Links To Other Steel Sites
Send me your steel guitar related URL and I will link you to this page.
Feel free to link me to your page!
Maurice Anderson's
Website -
Audio and video instructional material, Maurice's recordings,
learning and study accessories and links.
Doug Beaumier's
Website -
Former columnist for Steel Guitar World Magazine and Steel Guitarist
Magazine gives
lessons and has instructional material with sound file examples. Doug
is located in
Northampton, Massachusetts.
Bossert's AOL Homepage -
Tablature, recordings, photos and steel guitar stuff.
Brad's Page of
Steel -
Brad Bechtel's fine site, specalizing in lap steels.
Jeff Bradshaw
Enterprises -
Full service steel giutar shop in Alberta, Canada.
Bradshaw's Pedal Steel Guitar Products Catalogue -
An extensive online steel guitar products catalogue including albums,
materials, accessories and much more.
Jerry Britghtman's
Slide Station -
Jerry was the player with Buck Owens on the Hee Haw television show. He
has lots of great
pictures, sound files and his music for sale.
Al Brisco's Steel Guitar
Canada -
Steel guitar prducts and accessories.
Steel Guitars -
New Carter steel guitars, new Carter demo models, pre-owned steels, accessories,
news articles and interviews, links to many other sites and much more.
Earl Clark's
Pedal Steel Homepage -
Bio and links.
Sonny Curtis' Website -
Long-time steel guitarist with George Jones , Sonny Curtis has lots of cool
pictures, merchandise and links.
Ricky Davis' Mighty Fine Music
Website -
My Austin, Texas neighbor Ricky Davis has instructional videos, information
on his
teaching schedule, pictures of some really cool wood cabinet steel guitars,
files and links to cool steel guitar sites.
Tommy Detamore's Website
San Antonio area steel player Tommy Dtamore has information on his
recording studio.
Dan Dugmore's Site
Nashville session player Dan Dugmore's site with pictures, CDs, articles,
reviews, discoghraphy
and more.
Emmons Guitar Company,
Inc. -
New steel guitars, pre-owned steel guitars, amps, accessories, albums,
materials and more.
Buddy Emmons' Official
Website -
Albums, instructional courses, free sound files and tablature, lots of really
cool pictures,
links and more.
Ernie's Music
- Website
Ernie Pollock's online music store featuring steel guitars, guitars, dobros,
amps, teaching materials
accessories and more.
Fessenden Steel Guitars
My buddy Jerry Fessenden builds the Fessenden Pedal Steel Guitars. Check
them out
at his website.
Neil Flanz's
Home Page -
My buddy Neil Flanz has a cool site featuring information on Neil's recordings
and instructional
material, some great vintage and current pictures of Neil, free sound files
and links to other steel sites.
Frenchy's Pedal Steel
Guitar Shop -
Frenchy Messier's full-line pedal steel guitar shop. No website yet,
but you can send him
e-mail via this link.
Fuzzy Steel Guitar Products
New Excel pedal steel guitars, Excel Jerry Byrd model Hawaiian steel guitars
Excel Jerry Byrd model frypan lap steels.
John Heinrich's Site --
Pictures, sound files, CDs and links.
Jeffran Music --
Jeff Newman's site featuring all sorts of instructional materials and courses,
accessories, articles,
links and more.
Doug Jernigan's Website -
Doug Jernigan is one of my favorite steel players. Visit his site for
sound files, albums,
CDs, cassettes, instructional material, accessories and information on his
steel guitar school.
Kangaroo Amp Covers
Heavy duty amp covers and 100s of music links.
Keyt's Steel Guitar Page -
Bio and links to other steel sites.
George L's Steel Guitar Products
Pickups, strings, cables and steel guitar accessories.
John Lacey's Homepage
Featuring history of Emmons guitars in Buddy Emmons' own words. Lots
of cool pictures
of John and various Emmons steels.
Bobby Lee's
Steel Guitar Forum-
The #1 steel guitar forum in the country, plus lots of other great information
, steel guitar products
and accessories, CDs, instructional material and links.
Dick Meis' Website
Dick Meis has an extensive site, www.pedalsteelguitar.net.
Mighty Fine Music -
Mighty Fine Music features the SS HAWAIIAN Steel Guitar made by my two good
Ricky Davis and Archie Cox. It's a Custom 10-string lap steel made
out of the finest in materials.
Pedal Steeler.com -
Steel Guitar Forum with topic categories including Steel Guitar Education,
Product Reviews and more.
Mike Perlowin's Website
Products including his book, Music Theory in the Real World, links,
bio, reviews and more.
George Piburn's Website
My friend George Piburn from California builds beautiful lap steels, all
featured at his website.
Bert Rivera's Steel Guitar
Long-time family friend Bert Rivera's website featutring his music and some
really cool pictures
from the Hank Thompson days.
Roving Studios Website
Site dedicated to country music and the musical instruments involved
in making it.
Scotty's Music, "A Steel Guitar
Paradise" -
DeWitt Scott's fine steel guitar music store. Steels, albums, accessories,
materials and much more.
Bobbe Seymour's Steel Guitar
Nashville -
A great selection of new and used steel guitars, albums, accessories and
Sho~Bud Unofficial
Website -
Great site with lots of cool steel pictures, history links and more.
Don Sowersby's Website
Belton, Texas steel player Don Sowersby's website with lots of cool
links and more.
Steel Guitar Information
Resource -
A noncommercial, informational resource for steel guitarists and anyone
interested in
learning about the pedal steel guitar. Presented by the good folks
at Carter Steel Guitars.
Steel Guitar
Swap Shop -
Free classified ads (enhance with photo for $10) featuring pre-owned steel
guitars and accessories.
Steel Radio.com --
Streaming steel guitar music.
Herb Steiner's Steel Guitar
Page -
My good friend and fellow Austinite Herb Steiner has a page with biographical
great Western Swing CDs, instructional material for steel and dobro and links.
Tommy White's Site --
Grand Ole Opry's staff steel guitarist has links, pictures photos and more.
Joe Wright's WWW
Site -
Excellent instructional materials and lessons.